It gave us immense pleasure to inform all of our regular visitors that our team has recently launched a new website Careerty is a free online portal for students, job aspirants who want to practice, discuss and seek guidance for various job related exams such as Bank Recruitment, SSC CGL and other PSU exams.

Careerty has thousands of practice questions for various competitive exams such as SBI Clerk, IBPS RRB, SSC CGL and many more. The team is adding hundreds of new questions and multiple articles everyday to make it very exhaustive and informative to all its visitors. If you have not already checked the website – Do check it now at

Some of the features of –

  1. Thousands of questions on Aptitude, General Awareness, Reasoning, and English (Based on previous years’ question papers and abolutely free).
  2. Mobile Friendly – Use it on your mobile or tablet with ease.
  3. SuperFast – Careerty is designed to deliver the content to your desktop, laptop or mobile at a blazing speed.
  4. An Awesome Discussion Forum to resolve all your doubts and queries about various competitive exams. Do try it at
  5. Latest Job Updates and Informative Articles to keep you updated with the latest news.

Also, do like the Careerty Facebook Page to receive regular updates on the exams.

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please do leave a comment below. Thanks.